A cable gland is a device designed to attach and secure the end of an electrical cable to the equipment. A cable gland provides strain-relief and connects by a means suitable for the type and description of cable for which it is designed-including provision for making electrical connection to the armour or braid and lead or aluminium sheath of the cable, if any. Cable glands may also be used for sealing cables passing through or gland plates.
Cable lugs, also referred to as Cable terminal ends or cableshoes are electrical supplies utilized to securely connect or terminate cables to electrical devices, power or control panels, junction boxes, equipments and machineries. Theselugs are often used to join power cables together as well.
Designed to provide a connection between metallic, non-current carrying parts and the earth, our range of earthing equipment is ideal for protecting against line surges, lightning and contact with higher voltage lines.