+91 288 2560555 / 2560666
Cablegrip Industries
About Us
Domestic Cable Glands
Single Compression Heavy Cable Glands
Single Compression Cable Glands
Weatherproof Cable Glands - Ar. Cable
Flameproof Cable Glands - Ar. Cable A/B
Flameproof Cable Glands - Ar. Cable C
Weatherproof Cable Glands - Un Ar. Cable
PG & Metric Cable Glands
Aluminium/Copper Conductor XLPE Insulated for Un Armoured Cable
Aluminium/Copper Conductor XLPE Insulated for Armoured Cable
Section of Cable Gland on the Basis of Cable
Export Cable Glands
A1/A2 Cable Glands
BW 2 Parts Cable Glands
BW 4 Parts Cable Glands
CW Cable Glands
E1W Cable Glands
Alco Cable Glands
Marine Cable Glands
Cable Lugs
Copper Tubular Terminals
Copper Tubular In-Line Connectors
End Sealing Ferrules - Insu. & Non Insu.
Ring Terminals
Pin Terminals
Copper Fork Terminals
Aluminium Tubular Terminals
Aluminium Ferrules/Terminals for Al-XLPE Conductors
Aluminium Reducer Terminals - Wire Pin
Aluminium In-Line Connectors
Earthing Components
Mission & Vision
Contact Us
Cable Lugs
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Medium Duty
Cable Lugs
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Medium Duty
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Medium Duty
Material:- EC Grade Copper IS - 191, Tolerance:- ±5%, Finish:- Electro Tinned
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Medium Duty - Drawing 1
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Medium Duty - Drawing 2
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Medium Duty - Photo
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Medium Duty - Size
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Medium Duty
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Heavy Duty
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Long Barrel
CGI Copper Tubular Terminals Long Barrel Medium Duty
CGI Copper Reducer Terminals Wire Pin
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